Wednesday, 14 March 2012

PaFF FunLeague - competition format

Our competitions are designed to give every child a full day of fencing - there are no elimination rounds.

We have the children fence against each other, to find out who is fighting at what level of ability.

We then collate the days results, and the fencers are put together in groups of up to 6 for the Final round, based purely on that day's ability.  The top group of fencers are put into League Division A, the next group are put into Division B, etc.

All the fencers in the Division fight each other, to decide who wins the bronze and silver medals, and who wins the Division trophy.   In the case of a tie for first second or third place,  they both receive a medal.

All the other children receive one of our gorgeous certificates featuring a fencing cartoon from hundreds of years ago.  It details the number of hits they landed, and how many victories they won.  (These are often given out at their own club the week after the event).

The referees also award a gold medal for Sportsmanship, and prizes for technique - bronze and silver medals, and our largest trophy - the Bracewell Trophy for Form and Technique.

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