We gave out 12 trophies, 21 medals and more certificates than we could shake a stick at.
We had the services of fourteen referees, a tournament organiser, and several assistant organisers.
The size of each PaFF competition is determined by two things. How big a hall can we get? How many Presidents (referees) can we get? For PaFF 09, referees came from Edinburgh, Stirlingshire and the Borders to help out. A huge Thank You to Carolyn, Dalila, Romain, Lloyd, and Matt for coming to spend their day refereeing, and also to Charity for helping out with the Final round.
Congratulations to Referee Lloyd on passing his Level 1 Foil Coaching exam a week ago. PaFF are looking forward to Lloyd's future pupils coming to next year's PaFFs.
An especially big Thank You to the young fencers who helped by refereeing. Alice, Clara, Leo, Rachel and Eilidh who were there with their families, and especially Ben & Daniel, who came to the event especially to referee.
Coaches came from Edinburgh and from clubs in South Lanarkshire to have a look at the competition. hopefully we'll be able to welcome their young fencers to future events.
Thank you to
- Juliet and everyone who helped her with the Check-In desk- Claire and Flora at Directoire,
- Soffia, and Synnove at the play area
- Elena and the tuck shop team,
- all the people who laid out the tape and then pulled it up again at the end,
- Tanya, Karen, Alice and Clara, who wrote out the certificates in such neat handwriting.
The Edinburgh Evening News will be printing an article and a picture, next week or the week after.
The next of the PaFF tournaments in Edinburgh will be in Sighthill, at the end of November.
If you would be willing to learn to be a referee - perhaps you already do some kind of sword-play - we will train you to referee. We will even even give you free training as a foil fencer, if you are willing to referee or coach afterwards.
here on the blog: http://paff-blog.blogspot.com

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